12 months

I talked mommy and daddy into dressing up for the Parade of Lights. I have a beautiful Christmas tree. Each time I see this picture I say “ooo”.





Parade of Lights

Toilet Paper is Fun







12 months- When we say, “where’s the light?” she will look at light and point at it.

12 months- When we say, “what does the cow say?” she will say, “moo”

12 months- 21.3 lb..; 28 ½ inches long; head circumference- 45 cm.

           Weight- 50th percentile, length- 30th percentile, head circum.- 50th Percentile.

12 months, 2 weeks- stood without support for about 12 seconds.

12 months, 3 weeks- drinking 100% whole milk and weaned from bottle!

12 months, 3 weeks- signs “milk” when she’s hungry.

12 months, 3 weeks- took one step without holding on.